...... rebuttal ...... what a word, eh? just sayin'
chris at
9:27 AM
oh, haha: more weather report from Beijing, China: not windy today, a little cloudy. not so cold!
& in class, cool to warm: a nice reading aloud from Robert B. Reich's 2000 essay, "The Nationalism We Need" (American Prospect, 1999). A lot for students to take in there--did you know "nationalism" has "two faces"? (or, it occurs to me now, it is "two faced" hmmm interesting trope, there). Good thinking and questioning going on in the students' reading journals. Reich is definitely no stranger to rhetorical means of digging in and making one think over/about the scaffolding of macro strategy, as it were, in a given nationalistic rhetorical situation. I liked it. I like it. good thinking goin' on!
chris at
9:25 AM
Beijing, Y'all, was very sunny yesterday. & windy--March!--felt like Rochester, NY in March. In fact, often it reminds me of Roch, NY. How weird is that??