"A note to Pound in heaven: Only one mistake, Ezra! You should have talked to women"
--George Oppen, _Twenty Six Fragments_
xoxo Hey, E-Mail Me! xoxo
ManY PoETiKaL HaTs LisT:
Holly's Pirate-girl Hat,
chrismurray in a straw hat,
Michael Helsem's Gray Wyvern NOLA Fedora.
Duchamp's Rrose Selavy's flirting hat.
Max Ernst's Hats of The Hat Makes the Man.
Jordan Davis' The Hat!
poetry. hks' smelly head baseball cap.
Samuel Beckett's Lucky's
Black bowler hat,
giving his oration
on what's questionable in mankind,
in *Waiting for 'God-ot'*.
my friend John Phillips's 1969
dove gray fedora w/ wild feather.
Bob Dylan's mystery lover's Panama Hat.
Bob Creeley's Black Mountain Felt Boater Hat.
Duke Ellington's Satin
Top Hat. Acorn Hats of Tree.
Freud's 1950 City Fedora.
Joseph Brodsky's Sailor Cap.
Harry K Stammer's Copper Hat
Hell. Lewis LaCook's bowler hat(s).
Tom Beckett's Bad Hair Day
Furry Pimp Hat. Daughter Holly's black beret.
harry k stammer's fez. Cat
in the Hat's Hat & best
hat, Googling Texfiles:
crocheted hat with flames.
Harry K Stammer's tinseled berets.
Tex's 10 gallon Gary Cooper felt Stetson cowboy hat.
Jordan Davis's fedora.
Dali's High-heel Shoe Hat. Harry K Stammer's en-blog LAPD Hat
& aluminum baseball cap. cap'n caps. NY-Yankees caps. the HKS-in-person-caps
are blue or green no logos nor captions.
Ma Skanky Possum 10's nighttime cap.
moose antler hat. propeller beenie hat.
doo rag. knit face mask hat. Bob Dylan's & photographer Laziz
Hamani's panama hats. Mark Weiss's Publisher's Hat.
Rebecca Loudon's Seattle-TX-Hats'n'boots.
Ever-Evolving Links:
Silliman's Links
Dominic Rivron
Br Tom @ One & Plainer
Dan Waber: ars poetica anthology
Dan Waber: altered books anthology
chris daniels: Notes to a Fellow Traveller
Chris Daniels: Toward an Anti-Capitalist Poetry
David Daniels: The Gates Of Paradise
subterranean poets: Beijing Poetry Group
Charles Alexander/Chax Press: Chaxblog
Headlines Poetry: the latest weblog entries
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Brian Campbell: Out of the Woodwork
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Galatea Resurrects: a Poetry Review
Tom Beckett
John Sakkis: BOTH BOTH
New Francois Luong:Voices in Utter Dark, KaBlow!sm is...
Old Francois Luong: Voices in Utter Dark
Margin Walker: Andrew Lundwall
Free Space Comix: the latest BK Stefans blog
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Antic View: Alan Bramhall & Jeff Harrison
lookouchblog: Jessica Smith
Web Log -- Charles Bernstein
Google Poem Generator: Leevi Lehto
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worderos: Tom Beckett
In Galatea's Purse
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Luca Antara: Martin Edmond
Brief Epigrams: Ryan Alexander MacDonald
Radio My Vocabulary: 4 pm Sunday Poetry Streams
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heuriskein: Tom Orange
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A Sad Day for Sad Birds II: Gina Meyers
Great Works: Peter Philpot
zafusy: experimental poetry journal
Writeboard: a collaborative writing tool
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Muisti Kirja: Karri Kokko
Karri Kokko's Blonde on Blonde
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Ron is Ron: the Ron Silliman Cartoon by Jim Behrle
Dagzine: Positions, Poetics, Populations: Gary Norris
Shadows within Shadows: Tom Beckett
Self Similar Writing: Jukka Pekka Kervinen
The Little Workshop: Cassie Lewis
Sky Bright: Jay Rosevear
Poesy Galore: Emily Lloyd
Lisa Jarnot's Blog
Poetry Hut: Jilly Dybka (has moved here)
Pornfeld: Michael Hoerman
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Bacon Bargain!: Joe Massey
Ivy is here: Ivy Alvarez
Whimsy Speaks: Jeff Bahr
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Masters of Photography
Blog of Disquiet: Gary Norris' Teaching Blog
Suzanna Gig Jig
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Spaceship Tumblers! Tony Tost
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ecritures bleues: Laura Carter
The Ingredient: Alli Warren
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Growing Nations: Jordan Stempleman
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Entropy and Me: Hal Johnson
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a New Word Placements
Narcissus Works: Anny Ballardini
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Tributary: Allen Bramhall
The_Delay: Chris Vitiello
Jukka Pekka Kervinen: Nonlinear Poetry
Lanny Quarles: Phaneronoemikon
Clifford Duffy: Fictions of Deleuze & Guattari
Carrboro Poetry Festival
Steve Evans: Third Factory
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Jim Behrle: The Jim Side
Ray Bianchi:Postmodern Collage Poetry
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Black Spring
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Ben Basan's Luminations
Katey: Chewing on Pencils
YaY!! Eileen Tabios: Chatelaine Poetics !
Jill Jones: Ruby Street
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As-Is !
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Ironic Cinema
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Farewell Tonio!
In Through the Out Door
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Awake at Dawn on Someone's Couch is Toast
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Xpress(ed) !
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Laura: Yellowslip
Stick Poet Super Hero
Mighty Jens!
Radio UTA: Toni's Thursday Poetry Show
Tim Morris: Lection
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Constant Critic
Sappho's Breathing
Waves of Reading
Jhananin's Insite
Stephen Vincent
Stephanie Young: New Well Nourished Moon
Kasey Silem Mohammad's Newest Limetree
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States Writes
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Braincase Links
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73 Urban Bus Journeys
Poeta Empirica
poetry for the people: canwehaveourballback?
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Weekly Incite blogresearch
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Jim Behrle's Monkey's Gone to Heaven
David Kirschenbaum's Boog City
Not Nick Moudry
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Jack Kimball's Pantaloons
Li Bloom's Abolone
Ron Silliman
Chris Sullivan's Bloggchaff
Chris Sullivan's Slight Publications
Chris Sullivan's Department of Culture
Kasey S. Mohammad's Old-New Limetree
Kasey's Old Limetree
James Meetze: Brutal Kittens
Cassie Lewis: The Jetty
Joseph Mosconi's Harlequin Knights
Nada Gordon's Ululate
ultimate: Stephanie Young's First Well Nourished Moon
Steve Evans: Third Factory
Noah Eli Gordon's Human Verb
Jean Vengua's Blue Kangaroo
Sawako Nakayasu: Texture Notes
Free Space Comix: BK Stefans
Malcolm Davidson's eeksy peeksy
Marsh Hawk Press group
Catherine Meng's Porthole Redux
Josh Corey's Cahiers de Corey
Very Nice! Shampoopoetry
UTA's Lit Mag: ZNine
Wild Honey Press
JFK's Poetinresidence
Malcolm Davidson's Tram Spark poems
HYepez: RealiTi
HYpez: Mexperimental
Aimee Nez's Gila Monster
BestMaX: Jim Behrle's jismblog
Cori Copp's Littleshirleybean
Jordan Davis: Million Poems
Eileen Tabios: Corpsepoetics [see Chatelaine above]
YaY! Liz's Thirdwish
Ultra Linking
Henry Gould's HG Poetics
Friday, March 10, 2006
from Joy Harjo * :
I think of Wind and her wild ways the year we had nothing to lose and lost it anyway in the cursed country of the fox. We still talk about that winter, how the cold froze imaginary buffalo on the stuffed horizon of snowbanks. The haunting voices of the starved and mutilated broke fences, crashed our thermostat dreams, and we couldn't stand it one more time. So once again we lost a winter in stubborn memory, walked through cheap apartment walls, skated through fields of ghosts into a town that never wanted us, in the epic search for grace.
Like Coyote, like Rabbit we could not contain our terror and clowned our way through a season of false midnights. We had to swallow that town with laughter, so it would go down easy as honey. And one morning as the sun struggled to break ice, and out dreams had found us with coffee and pancakes in a truckstop along Highway 80; we found grace.
I could say grace was a woman with time on her hands, or a white buffalo escaped from memory. But in that dingy light it was a promis of balance. We once understood the talk of animals, and spring was lean and hungry with the hope of children and corn.
I would like to say, with grace, we picked ourselves up and walked into the spring thaw. We didn't; the next season was worse. You went home to Leech Lake to work with the tribe and I went south. And Wind, I am still crazy. I know there is something larger than the memory of a dispossed people. We have seen it.
* in New American Poets, ed. Jack Myers (Godine, 1991).
chris at
4:07 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
from Jimmy Santiago Baca + :
I Am Here
I stopped my car on Gibson Avenue, alongside the T-Bird lounge, and asked two policemen clubbing a drunk to stop. I was booked for obstruction of justice. In the back seat with the drunk, his grimy polyester coat padded with wads of want-ads, smelling of dog spittle and trash bins, his eyelids cracked open from their concrete numbness, and his trembling hand reached for an invisible Styrofoam cup of black coffee on the floor mat. He gummed thirsty lips for a small postponement, just a sip, he dreamed, as we passed liquor stores.
Behind bars, I stand peering down into tiers. Porters mill leaning on mops and brooms. Chicano in another cell wears sunglasses like ancestors wore their war paint. Christ crucified across chest, dragon on left arm twirls through a trellis haze of vines and roses. Believer of blood duels, faith that earth will crack someday and Aztec warriors rise to judge the heartless. He whistles through branches of bars, hand signing a friend to brown powder to fertilize vines of his veins and make the rose bloom.
Tier guard stands in front of my cell, American flag patched to shoulder above v-rank, walkie-talkie dangling from wide black leather belt, brass buttons and silver badge painstakingling polished to impress authority. "Charges been dropped! You're out! Come on!" I follow the guard to the end of the tier, to a button-paneled cage where a guard sprawls like a fat wolf reading a comic.
From a dark cell as if from the hull of a slave ship, I emerge into blinding noon deck-streets, where sun hacksaws tin sheets of glistening air.
An unblinking anger fills me. I stare at strange pedestrians returning from lunch to the office, and a cut-checked anger burns my face, anger that mumbles the world's end over my bones.
I spent the rest of the afternoon walking familiar streets. I withdraw and walk in a place inside myself, trudging across fierce red sands of my heart, and through the arroyos, sliding down, turning over small rocks, patiently, searching for something to describe me . . . I am here -- brown body, blood, bones, for something to describe me . . . I am here -- brown body, blood, bones, living at Black Mesa outside of Burque. To them I am found, tagged with a number photographed cataloged ". . . fearless . . . violent prone . . ." "Mau Mau warrior," one snickered an aside Outlawed in Their eyes. to swing Their picks, to be jailed in Their jails. I am here, scared, loving helpful, brave, graying hair, meditative brown eyes, kind smile, angry eyes burning for equality.
I am here.
* * *
Main Character
I went to see How the West Was Won at the Sunshine Theater. Five years old, deep in a plush seat, light turned off, big screen lit up with MGM roaring lion-- in front of me a drunk Indian rose, cursed the western violins and hurled his uncapped bagged bottle at the rocket roaring to the moon. His dark angry body convulsed with his obscene gestures at the screen, and then the ushers escorted him up the aisle, and as he staggered past me, I heard his grieving sobs. Red wine streaked blue sky and take-off smoke, sizzled cowboys' campfires, dripped down barbwire, slogged the brave, daring scouts who galloped off to mesa buttes to speak peace with Apaches, and made the prairie lush with wine streams. When the movie was over, I squinted at the bright sunny street outside, looking for the main character.
+ Jimmy Santiago Baca selection in New American Poets of the Nineties ed. Jack Myers (Boston: David R Godine Publisher, 1991).
chris at
8:18 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Maya Lin, Vietnam War Veterans' Memorial, Washington DC, 1982
chris at
11:26 PM
Here's wishing everyone at the Austin launch tonight a wonderful time. My best to you all.
xo, chris
chris at
6:01 PM

Remedios Varo, "Creation of the Birds" (1958)
chris at
12:01 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Sign : Thing, 1

chris at
2:52 PM
Sign : Thing, 2

chris at
2:44 PM
Hey, Y'all: if you are in Austin tomorrow for AWP or any other reason, stop by the Cactus Cafe at the UT campus union around 7:00 pm for the launch of the new print journal, SUPERFLUX, curated by Hoa Nguyen, Susan Briante, and me (I had planned on being there, but regrettably, just found out I won't be able to travel there, so will miss this and the other AWP doings). The SUPERFLUX launch will be a very fun time with many fab poets reading, and some fine music, a film, and just a whole lot of good cheer. Sending out big thanks to Hoa Nguyen for getting the launch together, and hugs and thanks to both Susan Briante and Hoa for all the hard work on the magazine. Terribly sorry to have to miss this one, and all the other good happenings at AWP--good luck to everyone there!
chris at
12:12 PM
from Foucault's Technologies of the Self * :
What are the principle features of _askesis_ ["not a disclosure of the secret self but a remembering"]? They include exercises in which the subject puts [her]self in a situation in which [she] can verify whether [she] can confront events and use the discourses with which [she] is armed. It is a question of testing the preparation. Is this truth assimilated enough to become ethics so that we can behave as we must when an event presents itself? ... we must now evoke a fourth technique in the examination of self, the interpretation of dreams. It was to have an important destiny in the nineteenth century [referring here to Freud], but it occupied a relatively marginal position in the ancient world. Philosophers had an ambivalent attitude toward the interpretation of dreams. Most Stoics are critical and skeptical about such interpretation. But there is still the popular and general practice of it. There were experts who were able to interpret dreams, including Pythagoras and some of the Stoics, and some experts who wrote books to teach people to interpret their own dreams. There were huge amounts of literature on how to do it, but the only surviving dream manual is _The Interpretation of Dreams_ by Artemidoris (second century A.D.). Dream interpretation was important because in antiquity the meaning of dream was an announcement of a future event. (35-36, 39)
* Michel Foucault, Technologies of the Self: a Seminar with Michel Foucault ed. Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman, Patrick H. Hutton (Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1988).
chris at
11:31 AM
Monday, March 06, 2006
Some great student work going on in my course. You know, there seems to be something of a resistance to that in the more expert levels here online. Resistance pertaining to the teaching of creative writing--or, well, maybe it's just a more complex kind of questioning about where such university courses might go, and worse, what they might breed or unwittingly become coerced into... . Yeah. It's definitely a minefield if one is aware of the contradictory institutional (as well as the formiddable aesthetic) forces at work in such trajectory of issues about poetry. i'm very appreciative of that, very sensitive to it, in the best intelligent ways i can at this moment muster.
But beyond all that, i have to say there are wonderfully insightful and adroit students out there who really want to engage writing in a public way, which for them means via university enrollment, and they have a lot to say/do with ideas and words. I love that energy in people. So we all just get in there and figure a few things out together. I see that as a beneficial thing for the community of experimental writers. It makes me happy--and at this moment that state of being is at a premium.
Just sayin', y'all...
xo, o~o/
chris at
11:36 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Waiting for God-ing
Estragon: Looks to me more like a bush. Vladmir: A shrub. Estragon: A bush.+ --Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot
just for you, for us, the good of all the god-mongers* are alarming the god-mongers are altering the god-mongers are arming the god-mongers are authorizing
the god-mongers are banking the god-mongers are blaming the god-mongers are blurring the god-mongers are bombing
the god-mongers are calling the god-mongers are campaigning the god-mongers are combatting the god-mongers are coercing
the god-mongers are demonstrating the god-mongers are denying the god-mongers are disseminating the god-mongers are distributing
the god-mongers are electing the god-mongers are eluding the god-mongers are enrolling the god-mongers are establishing
the god-mongers are financing the god-mongers are firing the god-mongers are flaming the god-mongers are framing
the god-mongers are gaining the god-mongers are gendering the god-mongers are glad-handing the god-mongers are grabbing
the god-mongers are handling the god-mongers are hacking the god-mongers are heckling the god-mongers are hiding
the god-mongers are identifying the god-mongers are ignoring the god-mongers are imitating the god-mongers are interpellating
the god-mongers are jawing the god-mongers are jeering the god-mongers are joining the god-mongers are not joking
the god-mongers are keeping the god-mongers are kicking the god-mongers are knitting the god-mongers are knocking
the god-mongers are ladling the god-mongers are law-enforcing the god-mongers are law-making the god-mongers are lending
the god-mongers are mailing the god-mongers are mandating the god-mongers are marching the god-mongers are mobbing
the god-mongers are naming the god-mongers are nationalizing the god-mongers are nominating the god-mongers are nuking
the god-mongers are observing the god-mongers are occupying the god-mongers are operating the god-mongers are ovulating
the god-mongers are pandering the god-mongers are picketing the god-mongers are planning the god-mongers are phoning
the god-mongers are quashing the god-mongers are quadrupling the god-mongers are questioning the god-mongers are quoting
the god-mongers are raging the god-mongers are recruiting the god-mongers are rioting the god-mongers are ruling
the god mongers are scouting the god-mongers are selling the god-mongers are spamming the god-mongers are stealing
the god-mongers are taunting the god-mongers are testing the god-mongers are turning the god-mongers are training
the god-mongers are unbending the god-mongers are unblushing the god-mongers are unwilling the god-mongers are usurping
the god-mongers are validating the god-mongers are veneering the god-mongers are voting the god-mongers are vowing
the god-mongers are waging the god-mongers are waiting the god-mongers are watching the god-mongers are wire-tapping
the god-mongers are X-ing the god-mongers are X rating the god-mongers are XX rating the god-mongers are XXX rating
the god-mongers are yachting the god-mongers are yammering the god-mongers are yawing the god-mongers are yoking
the god-mongers are zapping the god-mongers are zeroing the god-mongers are zipping the god-mongers are zoning just for you, for us, the good of all
+ "Shrub," and "bush" echo recent media nicknames for George W. Bush.
* By "god-monger" I mean only those whose organized religion takes as its goal aggressively obliterating ideas and practices with which they disagree, as well as the co-opting and imperializing of others. The term does not refer to individuals who are generous-minded and respectful of the co-existence of variety in kinds of spirituality and religion.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~poem by chris murray o~o/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I wrote the poem posted above over something that happened here yesterday at my apartment complex--which mostly houses folks who live near poverty level or are immigrants. Employees of the complex pinned posters to all our doors announcing that the owners of this complex have partnered up with "Crown Financial Ministries" to "implement a program" of "meetings for residents." The "mission" of this program of meetings?--"To Teach People God's Financial Principles."
So this is one of the outcomes of the Bush administration's move to put churches in charge of helping those in or near poverty. This Crown Financial company has a website that is not a dot COM, as might be expected, but a dot ORG (I guess because they are a religious organization as well as a company?).
Their website states, in part, that
"Scripture address every area of handling money. ...God gave us over 2,350 verses in the Bible dealing with money and property management? Crown Financial Ministries helps people learn these ... . Please prayerfully accept our invitation to partner with us."
"Crown Financial Ministries exists to equip people to learn, apply, and teach God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately and be free to serve Him. ... Your faithful, monthly support as a Crown Outreach Partner provides necessary resources that result in lives being touched for Christ around the world. The financial freedom people gain through Crown frees millions of dollars to be used to help reach our world for Christ. As a Crown Outreach Partner, you will help challenge people to live with a strong commitment to God’s priorities. Most of all, because of your increased participation, you will personally experience a deep and lasting joy from helping thousands of people. People from your neighborhood, your city, your nation, and around the world."
I have to say, you know, that I have great respect for people's commitments to differing forms of spirituality and engagement, but I have strong reactions to coercive socialization processes and practices--also to rhetorical (ideological) devices of interpellation used with the goal of profiteering or taking advantage of the vulnerable... I've a loathing of manipulation in general. Usually the junk this complex tacks to our doors is just junk. But this time it seems insideous, beyond belief even in today's draconian western-cultural environment, insideous in its god-mongering. Especially the implication of imperializing the world made me want to vomit.
chris at
7:25 PM
sheesh... where've i been?--just now found the inventive, thoughtful, and provocative Antic View--good stuff, Y'all.
chris at
6:52 PM
What follows are 14 photos from my *DIs*PoZ*a*BL* Camera series. I had some fun with these...
chris at
3:30 PM
 Twisted Balloons, Will Return Soon
chris at
2:42 PM
 Inside the Double Green Sign
chris at
2:39 PM
 Wind Chime with Concrete Bunny
chris at
2:34 PM
 Inside Blue Cellophane Trash Bag
chris at
2:29 PM
 Concrete Slab Intersection, Cigarette Butt, Paper Heart (day after Valentine's Day, 2006, outside a convenience store)
chris at
2:26 PM
 Lost Larg Dog Last Week
chris at
2:23 PM
 EVOL!: Valentine Window Decorations, Arlington TX, Feb 15, 2006
chris at
2:18 PM
 Convenience Store: 3/$1.00, We Ac*ept Foot Stamps
chris at
2:14 PM
 from the series, Concrete Crop Circles: "e"
chris at
2:10 PM
 Fire Hydrant: A800QA TENN
chris at
2:07 PM
 Maple Leaf Is To Maple Leaf As
chris at
2:02 PM
chris at
1:59 PM
chris at
1:55 PM
 Mirror Stage: Window-Mirror-Window-Mirror-Window-Mirror-Tiny Bird! Tiny Bird! Tiny Bird!